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September 24, 2018 at 9:00 AM (MDT)|Broadmoor Hotel & Resort

Nick Mather

Chief Executive Officer

Nicholas Mather graduated in 1979 from the University of Queensland with a B.Sc. (Hons, Geology). He has 35 years’ experience in exploration and resource company management in a variety of countries. His career has taken him to numerous countries exploring for precious and base metals and fossil fuels. Nicholas Mather has focused his attention on the identification of and investment in large resource exploration projects. He was managing director of BeMaX Resources NL (an ASX-listed company) from 1997 until 2000 and instrumental in the discovery of the world class Ginkgo mineral sand deposit in the Murray Basin in 1998. As an executive director of Arrow Energy NL (also ASX-listed) until his resignation in 2004, Nicholas Mather drove the acquisition and business development of Arrow’s large Surat Basin Coal Bed Methane project in south-east Queensland. He was managing director of Auralia Resources NL, a junior gold explorer, before its USD23 million merger with Ross Mining NL in 1995. He was a non-executive director of Ballarat Goldfields NL until 2004, having assisted that company in its recapitalisation and requotation on the ASX in 2003. He was also founder and Chairman of TSX-V listed Waratah Coal Inc until its $130m takeover by Minerology Pty Ltd in December 2008. Nicholas Mather is also Managing Director of ASX-listed DGR Global Limited and sits on the Board of the following Companies: Armour Energy (ASX) – Non-Executive Chairman IronRidge Resources (LSE AIM) – Non-Executive Director Dark Horse Resources (ASX) – Non-Executive Chairman AusTin Mining (ASX) – Executive Director Lakes Oil (ASX) – Non-Executive Director Mr Mather is a member of the Company’s Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee.


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